Welcome Visitors,

Thank you for visiting my new blog. This is where I will be posting news, events, special offers, and general information regarding my photography services and products. I hope that you find this information useful, interesting, and perhaps entertaining. Don't forget to visit my website at http://www.donaldcarlton.com/. If anybody would like to contact me please feel free to email me at donald@donaldcarlton.com. Have a wonderful day.
Donald Carlton

Thursday, May 13, 2010

DCP Studio Open House and Kettner Nights

Kettner Nights is held on the second Friday of every odd month from 6 to 9 p.m. in north Little Italy. Nearly two dozen businesses and studios open their doors for a nighttime tour of the area’s diverse artistic offerings. Visitors are treated to snacks, beverages and music as they peruse galleries featuring photography, fine art, paintings, sculptures, furniture, jewelry and print works. Even Harley Davidson contributes to the art scene, providing live entertainment in its showroom. Come enjoy this art walk through the businesses, studios, and galleries on Kettner Boulevard and neighboring streets.

I will be having my first open house for my new photo studio during the next Kettner Nights. Come by and say hi and take a look at it. My studio is located in the south lobby of the Studio Arts Complex at 2400 Kettner Boulevard, Studio 109H. I will be passing out coupons for 25% off portraits and headshots. Bring your friends.
Have a wonderful day!

- Donald

If you have any questions call me at 619-618-8003

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